Providing Procurement and Contract Services
The Procurement and Contracts department is responsible for all purchases and contracts made by the University. The Procurement staff assists the campus community with their purchasing needs and acts as a liaison with vendors and service providers. The department is responsible for issuing: purchase orders, agreements, memorandums of understanding (MOU), fees for service agreements and contracts. In addition, the department takes initiative in coordinating and evaluating bids, obtaining quotas for needed goods and services, as well as managing the office supplies contract and the procurement card program.
Based on its compliance with the Integrated CSU Administrative Manual (ICSUAM) section 5000, Purchasing utilizes written delegations of authority from the campus President to the various individuals authorized to procure. Only authorized Procurement employees and certain delegated executive management may develop and approve contractual documents and obligate the University. Any department considering a contractual document or agreement with an outside entity or with an Auxiliary must coordinate the contract development and approval through Procurement, in order to finalize the contract. The collaboration between Procurement and campus departments for contract development is mandatory in order to provide consistency and compliance with systemwide policies. This is true for both monetary and non-monetary contractual instruments. Auxiliaries are also encouraged to consult with Procurement on any contractual matter.
Please contact Procurement for assistant in meeting any procurement needs.
Mission Statement (Our Mission)
The mission of Procurement & Contract Services is to provide quality, cost-effective, and timely procurement services to the campus community in support of the educational goals of California State University, San Bernardino. A commitment is made to provide these services in an ethical, courteous, and professional manner, in accordance with external mandates, and in cooperation with campus units.
What We Do
Procurement & Contract Services is responsible for the acquisition of all goods, services, leases and construction on behalf of California State University, San Bernardino. Campus procurement professionals are required to adhere to state, federal, California State University, and campus policies and procedures to assure that legal requirements are met, and good business practices followed.
On behalf of the National Procurement Institute, Inc., Brian Garrity, CPSM, C.P.M. CPPB, AEP Officer, and the entire Achievement of Excellence in Procurement® Evaluation Committee, congratulations California State University, San Bernardino on a successful application for the 2023 Achievement of Excellence in Procurement® Award!